PROMOTION during outbreak of coronavirus: 1 or 2 more FREE classes except the ONE main class.
This is a Free Sample of Online Class Page (e.g. Chen’s Tai Chi for Beginners). It includes Zoom online class information and Join Button. You can watch class videos below. After you sign up, you can join online classes of Qigong, 4 Seasons Health: Body Conditioning Program and Chen’s Tai Chi etc. while you stay at home.

Here is the Online Class with Zoom
Welcome to join our online Chen’s Tai Chi for Beginners class! Please click the button below to join NOW.
Online Class: 18:00-18:55 pm Monday (EST)
Free Online Class Videos: Chen’s Tai Chi for Beginners
Here is Class Videos in Online Chen’s Tai Chi for Beginners Class: 2022-08-08
Here are Free Tai Chi Videos, learn and exercise for your health
Tai Chi for Boosting Immunity to fight virus!

Tai Chi for Boosting Immunity to fight virus! (in Chinese)(中文版)

There are more Class Videos for each class, like Qigong for Health, 4 Seasons Health: Body Conditioning Program, Chen’s Tai Chi for Beginners, Chen’s Tai Chi Intermediate Level 1 (Old Form 1), Chen’s Tai Chi Intermediate Level 2 (Old Form 2), etc.